Best Sci-Fi Short Film (also nominated Best Film), I´ve seen Films Festival Mailand
Goldmedaille vom Verband deutscher Filmautoren
Zertifikat der FFF, Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche
Lenzing Award in Silver, Festival of Nations
Shocking Shorts 2010, Endrunde
Prix Génération petits claps, Festival les petits claps Metz
Honorable Mention in Scriptwriting, Terror Film Festival Philadelphia
Bester Kurzfilm, Trostberger Kurzfilmtage
Ebenseer Bär in Silber, Festival of Nations
Audience Award, Festival Cine Poche, Sangry les Vigy
Best Music Video, Great Lakes International Film Festival
Best Music Video, Consonance Music & Dance Festival Los Angeles
Best Costume, Budapest Music Video Awards
Best Music Video, Austin International Art Festival
Best Music Video, Only the Best Film Awards
Best Narrative Driven Music Video, Clare Valley Film
Best Actor, Munich Video Awards
Best Male Model, Sweden Film Awards
Honorable Mention Best Music Video, High Tatras Film & Video Festival
Honorable Mention, International Music Video Awards
Best Male Model, Boden International Film Festival
Ebenseer Bär in Bronze, Festival of Nations